


Pre-Warm-up (15 min):

Shoulder/Upper back activation:
15 x band pull-aparts (4 sets)
10 x wall slides with band
10 x face pulls with band§
8 x scapular push-ups
8 x dead hangs (10-15s each)

Thoracic mobility:
Cat-cow flow 12 reps
Thread the needle 8 each side
Foam roller thoracic extensions 10 reps

Warm-up (15 min):
400m row (focus on pulling with shoulders packed)

3 rounds:
10 x ring rows (focus on scapular control)
8 x push-ups
10 x pass-throughs with PVC
30s bottom squat hold

Strength/Skill (30 min):

Strict Press: 4×4 @70-75% 1RM
Focus on thoracic extension and shoulder position

Ring Row Progression:
4×8 chest-to-ring rows (feet elevated)
Rest 2 min between sets

DB Z-Press: 3×8 each arm
Focus on core stability and shoulder position

WOD (20 min):

“Push-Pull Ladder” EMOM 16: Min 1-4: Build up ladder
2-4-6-8 Push Press (40% 1RM)
2-4-6-8 Ring Rows

Min 5-8: Build down ladder
8-6-4-2 Push Press (40% 1RM)
8-6-4-2 Ring Rows

Min 9-12: Build up ladder
2-4-6-8 DB Strict Press
2-4-6-8 DB Bent Over Row

Min 13-16: Build down ladder
8-6-4-2 DB Strict Press
8-6-4-2 DB Bent Over Row

Cool-down (10 min):
300m row light pace

Shoulder/Upper Back Release:
90s each side thoracic extension on foam roller
60s each side lat stretch
45s each side cross-body shoulder stretch
60s child’s pose with arm reaches

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